Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm Gonna Patten That Shit!

So after I posted the blog below I forgot something I wanted to share, but I don't want anyone to steal my idea so don't get any bright ideas. I Love to talk to my sister in law Tammie Ann on the phone and we tend to talk for hours on end when we do. The last time I was talking to her I invented the poor man's blue tooth. It is my new hands free mobile device that can be used practically anywhere (at least inside the house, I do not recommend going outside) It was great cause I could talk and do dishes at the same time without getting a kink in my neck! While talking to her on the phone I said " I wish you could see my new invention!" so this one is for you Tammie Ann! If you really like my new devise feel free to use it at home but remember... I am gonna patten that shit! I also wanted to blog about a book club. I really want to start a book club! I have tried this before and it has failed miserably (Janel would remember!) Tammie Ann and I have talked about starting one so I was thinking we should start one in the blogging world. I am not sure how to start a book club so if anyone has ideas or wants to be in one let me know. Winter is the best time for reading and I am dry on ideas so any suggestions would be appreciated. Do you have to have a president of the book club? I'm' just not sure.....


Tammie Marie said...

I am laughing so hard right now that i am having a hard time thinking. I want to know what is over your lip. and is there a problem with chafing. And then there is the hot factor. White Hot.

You know I am all about the book club.
chow my Blue tooth angle

Janel said...

Ok someone really does talk on the phone way to much to come up with that. Do you think you could come up with something for my broken phone?

Ben said...

Good idea!!! I'm gonna have to borrow that.

Mark and Lachelle said...

I am totally digging the "poor man's blue tooth!" That is pretty much the most awesome idea I've seen!!!! I'm seriously going to try that one out! I'm dying of laughter! Oh, and I have no idea how to start a book club. I've only read like 4 books my entire life...and those are the Twilight series. Either way, I nominate you as book club president :)

Higbee said...

Nice hands free! haha Yeah we're going to STG for Thanksgiving! We're eating at noonish! What time are you coming down?